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Introduction to Student Wellness and Health Promotion

photo of full Student Wellness staff sitting outside the main office (231 S. College) in winter attire.
Introduction to Student Wellness and Health Promotion
Posted almost 4 years ago in Student Wellbeing.

Student Wellness and Health Promotion’s mission is to create a foundation of lifelong wellbeing by providing Blue Hens the wellness tools to make healthy choices that contribute to a safer UD. We are a part of the Division of Student Life and work in conjunction with other units and partners in a holistic way to support the overall wellbeing of students and  increase the wellbeing of the UD community by working at both the individual and community levels to promote wellness in a way that can both prevent and heal from harm. All services, education and other resources provided by our office are covered by the Student Wellbeing fee.

Student Wellness focuses on issues surrounding general wellbeing, students’ relationship with alcohol and other drugs, intimate partner relationships, and the impact that sexual misconduct can have on the individual and the community. We look for ways to engage all members of our UD community in making this campus a healthier, more well place to be. Student Wellness provides services to support students’ wellbeing and helps students evaluate options for maintaining healthy lifestyles, through prevention, intervention, and education. Our services include wellness events, workshops and classroom programs, interactive and educational kiosks, health promotion campaigns, substance use counseling, and victim advocacy for survivors of sexual misconduct. 

Students can learn more about Student Wellness and Health Promotion by visiting our website, sending us an email at, or calling us at 302-831-3457.

9 Wellness Dimensions

Student Wellness and Health Promotion believes that an individual's wellbeing is impacted by a set of nine wellness dimensions. These wellness dimensions are: social, emotional, financial, environmental, creative, physical, intellectual, career and spiritual. We use a wellness wheel model to demonstrate how all of these dimensions play a role in a person’s life. In the center of the wheel is an inner circle, which represents the individual and all of the identities that a person brings with them as they navigate life (ex. athlete, female, first-gen college student, oldest sibling, HIV+, etc.). These identities impact how a person experiences and interacts with the wellness dimensions, and likewise, how the wellness dimensions may shape a person’s ability to express themselves through one or more of their identities. Student Wellness works with students so that they can better understand how to improve each dimension of wellness (  that they choose to develop and strengthen.

Alcohol and Substance Use Services

While not all Blue Hens choose to use alcohol or other drugs, some do. Student Wellness understands that the presence of alcohol on college campuses is real and that misuse can and does occur, often harming the health and wellbeing of the student community. If students have questions about their use or the use of a friend, Student Wellness offers confidential counseling services to help. Students can make an appointment to meet with a substance use counselor by calling: 302-831-3457. In those sessions, we help students achieve realistic goals related to substance use. This can mean learning how to drink in a safer way where the likelihood of experiencing negative consequences from use can be reduced, or if a student doesn’t want to use anything anymore, our counselors can help students with that too. Student Wellness also offers the following additional services:

  • AlcoholEDU is an online program that helps students develop the critical skills to make more thoughtful and educated choices outside the classroom. Incoming students will receive an invitation to complete the program via their UD email. Students are required to complete the course before their first semester begins. 
  • Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) is a program that helps students to explore their own alcohol and drug use in a confidential and non-judgmental environment. After completing an online assessment and creating a personalized profile of a student’s substance use, our counselors will talk with the student about these results, helping to identify consequences of their choices and explore ways to reduce risks.

Sexual Misconduct Victim Advocacy Services

Student Wellness and Health Promotion works to prevent and mitigate acts of Sexual Misconduct. Through various educational opportunities, Student Wellness supports students in cultivating a culture of respect and equips students with the knowledge and tools needed to promote healthy intimate and sexual relationships. Student Wellness offers assistance for survivors of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment, and stalking through our professional victim advocacy and crisis support resources. Students can meet with professional, certified Victim Advocates who can assist with campus, criminal or civil sexual misconduct processes and offer crisis counseling. To schedule an appointment students can call 302-831-3457 or schedule online at

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